One of the reasons I didn't post yesterday was because I was in the process of moving into the new apartment. It has taken us nearly two weeks to move and last night was our 1st night staying there. I know you may not care, but I am currently making two transitions this upcoming week.
I am now leaving the audio room at Fox 13, on to bigger things... I will be on the set now controlling the camera for Good Morning Memphis. This shall be an interesting experience. I am leaving the comfort of the dimly lit audio room where I could eat and drink coffee in my rolling chair.
The great thing about moving on is that you don't get stuck in one place. Also, starting out behind the scenes teaches you a lot about the station as well. I was able to witness a producer's guest on her show leave off the set and she had to replace them quickly. One tease into an interview caused the guest to leave (because he didn't like how it was written, spotlighting one of the guests). The good thing about news is that you plan ahead, just in case someone doesn't show up or doesn't cooperate. Thankfully, there was a band on set as well, so they just received more air time.
I really enjoyed the audio room, the perspective from behind the scenes (viewing 10 different TV screens). I am looking forward to enter the real world on the set. #staytuned

Yes, I was live on the air today, not talking, but controlling the voice levels and music levels that you hear on the news. I got on the audio board 3 times for short news blocks. I had a rundown of the show, I had to listen to the producer/director, and I had to remember to turn the mics on. I made a few minor mistakes but hey, that's expected on your 1st day. I logged my times on the air so I could archive my work upon leaving the internship. I have exactly one more day in audio, then its off to the actual floor to control the camera. For now, I like that the control room is so laid back. I was able to eat and drink coffee in the same room as the audio board. I made sure to stay away as far as I could b/c I did not want any mistakes. I'm sure that board is worth more than my car (5 times) lol. On another note, the amount of my student loans could almost cover the damages. Let's just hope Obama keeps his promises of the "SOTU" address and helps us college students get out of debt. I mean, how am I supposed to enjoy the benefits of my hard work in college after I graduate if I have to worry about paying back the U of M? (Venting) Anyways, I stopped and got McDonald's caramel mocha and I also made my own concoction of coffee and hot cocoa that Danny suggested. It was pretty good. It got me thru my entire day. Looking forward to Friday. *signing off*
Today was a beautiful and hot day in January (the high was 62 degrees, but felt like 80 with the sun beaming). Two of my teachers decided to plan scavenger hunts on the same day! One was for Social Media class and the other was for Micro Memphis. On the first trek around campus, we asked students and professors different questions and posted the answers on Twitter. We also took pics and even video recorded an event. Latresia and Danielle were my partners.
As soon as that hunt ended, another began. We trekked around Cooper-Young neighborhood searching for people to answer our questions, we also visited some restaurants and local businesses. This time Latresia and Ashley were my partners.
I also used Storify to organize my tweets  at  #J4801 and Cooper-Young. Check both of them out.
This was an interesting way to get involved with the community and spend more time with our classmates. I had fun asking random people for quotes and taking pics. Just thought this would be something interesting to add to my blog. ~Senior Memories~
Waking up at 3:30am to get ready for my internship was no joke! Unfortunately, last night we were experiencing terrible weather. The sirens were going off and I kept receiving calls from family checking on me. I did not go to bed until 11pm.
Upon waking up, I sluggishly prepared for my day (even though it still looked like nighttime). I arrived at the news station and today was my big day for Audio/Camio. I stayed in the audio room the entire time talking and watching Danyesha control the audio board. The board looks similar to the one we have at school but their's is more high tech, of course. Everything was digital on the board.
I watched the Good Morning Memphis show several times today. The only thing audio has to do is make sure to turn on the mic of the person talking and turn it off. She even got a chance to tell me about bloopers and let me listen to some recorded ones. Lol
I got very sleepy at one time, almost nodding off due to the inadequate amount of sleep I got.
Regina, our intern supervisor talked to us today and enforced that she wants us to really work (get hands-on experience). I was told by someone at the station that she expects a lot out of us because she wants us to have a resume` reel completed by the end of our internship on April 6th. 
The show ended with a chef demonstrating how to make some type of Mexican corn/cheese/mayo/green chili dip. If anyone knows me, they know I love food! It was pretty good. That is one benefit of the early morning. I remember for my interview I got a chance to try the stir-fry made on tv. 
My schedule for the rest of this week and the next 2 weeks starts at 5am. Hopefully, I will be better prepared for the next time. Overall, good first day!
   This is finally my last semester as an undergrad student! I have the perfect schedule, which includes: web publishing class, social media class, and MicroMemphis class. 
    I will start my internship on Monday with Fox 13 and I am so excited!!! I only have classes two days a week and intern 3 days a week. What better schedule could I ask for? I will update after my first day.